Picking The Best RV For You

When I finally decided to hit the road and told people about it I can’t tell you how many of them told me what I should get without ever asking what I wanted to...


How To Find Your Unicorn

Someone on social media asked me today how Deanna and I met. Good catch. I never posted it so I guess it’s about time to tell you how I found my unicorn. Luck is...


Why Do We Lose The Best?

Arvada Police Officer Dillon Michael Vakoff was murdered on September 11, 2022. He was just 27 years old. I had the great honor of standing watch over his memorial this past week and would...


I Fell In Love With Zion National Park!

I’ve never really had much of a desire to visit National Parks until I went to Zion. Having grown up in Alaska it’s nearly impossible to beat the beauty of Mother Nature I was...


Zion, Moab And The Great Beyond!!!

Well, the long winter hibernating in Phoenix has come to an end. If you are curious, yes, Deanna and Baby (her Yorkie) are loaded up with us. Now we are off to our summer...